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  • FEMA releases new Community Lifelines Toolkit

FEMA releases new Community Lifelines Toolkit

5 Mar 2019 11:41 AM | Diane Weidenkopf (Administrator)

FEMA has released a new Community Lifelines Toolkit to assist emergency managers in identifying their critical needs and resources during disaster response.  FEMA began using the lifelines concept after the 2017 hurricane season to quickly identify incident impacts and how information was organized and reported during the disaster.

The lifelines concept simplifies incident information to provide decision-makers with clearly identified impacts to critical community services and root causes that inform response and recovery actions. This concept provides actionable information that assist in the federally supported, state managed, and locally executed response.

The Toolkit and other related documents and templates are available from the FEMA library at  https://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/documents/177222

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The Emergency Management Association of Texas is dedicated to the advancement of the field of emergency management both statewide and nationally. To that end, EMAT engages in an array of efforts to advance a statewide emergency management agenda and to promote the professional growth of the emergency management practitioner.


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