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The Heart of EMAT

The heart of the Emergency Management Association of Texas is our working committees. Each Committee is led by an EMAT member responsible for recruiting Committee members, developing Committee goals that align with EMAT’s strategy, and fostering growth in the association and emergency management. The individuals serving on Standing and Ad-Hoc Committees and as Appointees are instrumental in moving EMAT forward as an organization and helping to shape the profession of emergency management in Texas as a whole.

Standing Committees

Executive Committee

The EMAT Executive Committee exercises the authority of the Board of Directors in the management of EMAT between meetings.

Jamie Galloway, CEM, TEM, President
Mark Chadwick, CEM, TEM, Vice President
John Henderson, TEM, Secretary
Martin Ritchey, CEM, TEM, Treasurer
Shaqueena Nobles, TEM, Sergeant at Arms
Patrice Caster, CEM, TEM, Immediate Past President

Symposium Committee

The Symposium Committee is responsible for planning and coordinating all aspects of the EMAT Symposium including the selection of presentations, event planning, audio visual needs, exhibitor and sponsor coordination, development of printed materials, marketing, and more.

Chair: Patrice Caster, CEM, TEM, MCP

Mark Chadwick, CEM, TEM,  EMAT President
Jim Coles, EMAT Executive Director 
Dee Harrison, Awards Committee Chair

Laura Gehrig, PhD, TEM Justin Bunch, TEM

Bob Caster Gabriel Bailey

Kathy Ard-Blattner
Jon Bodie
Billy Ted Smith
Jennifer Henager

Daisy Campos

Communications and Marketing Committee

The EMAT Communications Committee coordinates communication activities among EMAT's membership and the Board of Directors. The Communications Committee works with the EMAT Executive Director to communicate information via E-blasts, the website and social media.

Chair: Gabriel Bailey

Jamie Galloway, CEM, TEM, President
Sara Williams
Jessica McCaslin
Gabriel Bailey

Awards Committee

The purpose of the EMAT Annual Awards Program is to recognize the achievements and hard work of the individuals, organizations and jurisdictions that have made exceptional efforts to further the field of emergency management and to ensure a whole community approach to preventing, preparing for, mitigating against, responding to and recovering from disasters.

Chair: Caroline Egan

Mark ChadwickTEM 
Dee Harrison, CEM

Kit Marshall, TEM

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

The EMAT Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee's mission is to increase awareness and develop actions to advance principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion within the emergency management profession and the communities we serve in the State of Texas.

Chair:  Melanie Bartis

Julia Andrews

Daisy Campos

Laurie Christensen 

Caroline Egan

Kendra Estes

Antwyne Johnson

David Lilly

Maribel Martinez-Mejia

MSG David Morado

Peter Perez

Eric Queller

Brittany Ray

Lisa Tatum-Brown

Nathaniel Trombley

David Wood

Justin Woodruff

Legislative Committee

The EMAT Legislative Committee prepares and promotes EMAT 's legislative agenda. Additionally, the Legislative Committee coordinates legislative strategy sessions to help define EMAT's legislative agenda.

Chair: David Alamia

Jamie Galloway, CEM, TEM, President Scott Hudson
Kit Marshall, TEM Shaqueena Nobles, TEM
Patrice Caster, CEM, TEM, MCP Bob Caster
Dee Harrison, CEM

Jonathan Bodie

Public-Private Partnership Committee

The Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Committee is charged with developing public and private emergency management relationships to further emergency management capacity throughout the state. The committee's mission is to develop, identify, and promulgate best practices for creating effective partnerships among private, not-for-profit, and public sectors.

Chair: John Buck, TEM-B

Jamie Galloway, CEM, TEM, President
Niki Bender, TEM
Steve Rosa

Membership Committee

The EMAT Membership and Marketing Committee analyzes membership trends and provides recommendations to the Board for growing EMAT membership as well as retaining current members. The Committee accomplishes this in part by producing and approving an annual member recruitment strategy and campaign, and periodically reviews and adjusts the strategy as needed to support attainment of annual targeted recruitment and retention goals. Finally, the Membership and Marketing Committee provides perspective on the needs and expectations of EMAT’s membership and works in tandem with other EMAT committees to ensure EMAT products and services are in alignment.

Chair: Justin Bunch, CEM, TEM

Jamie Galloway, CEM, TEM, President Ryan Sullivan
David Andrews David Wood
Lisa Tatum Brown, CEM
Vladimir Hidrovo-Alban
Scott Hudson,  CEM, 

TEM Certification Commission

Patrice Caster, CEM, TEM, MCP
Jamie Galloway, CEM, TEM
Dee Harrison, CEM 
Mariah Armitage, CEM, TEM
Douglas Bass, TEM
Lee Bourgoin, TEM
Brad Britten, TEM
Brian Brockett, TEM
Chris Earp, TEM
Mistie Gardner, TEM
Ivonne Garza, TEM
Dee Ann Haney, TEM
Patrick Hughes, TEM
Tonya Hunter, TEM
Kit Marshall, TEM
Michael Mason, TEM
Michael Megna, TEM
Camilo Olivieri, TEM 
Michael Shoe, TEM

Professional Education Committee

The EMAT Professional Education Committee is charged with developing training materials for new Emergency Management Coordinators and developing continuing education opportunities, including finding speakers for the EMAT Symposium and developing content for bi-monthly webinars.

Chair: Laura Gehrig, TEM

Dee Harrison, CEM
Jennifer Suter

Ad Hoc Committees

Nominations Committee

The EMAT Nominations Committee nominates persons to serve as Board Members and Officers.

Chair: Jamie Galloway, CEM, TEM

Bylaws Committee

The Bylaws Committee reviews the activities of EMAT from Elections, Regional Representation and policies from the Board of Directors and from General Membership Meetings.

Chair: Patrice Caster, CEM, TEM, MCP

Jamie Galloway, CEM, TEM, President
Niki Bender, TEM
Billy Ted Smith, TEM
Dee Harrison, CEM

About EMAT

The Emergency Management Association of Texas is dedicated to the advancement of the field of emergency management both statewide and nationally. To that end, EMAT engages in an array of efforts to advance a statewide emergency management agenda and to promote the professional growth of the emergency management practitioner.


2502 Pace Bend Road South
Spicewood, TX 78669

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